Simple Ways to Boost Your Immune System

by Carollyn Mushro

We already know that handwashing is crucially important to our wellness….but there are further preventative measures to take your health to a new level this season.  

One of the biggest contributors to poor immune function is stress. Stress leads to reduced lymphocytes, which are immune cells that fight infection. 

Here are three easy ideas for reducing stress and keeping our bodies healthy:

  1. Get moving-- and do so outside as often as possible 

Physical activity produces endorphins—chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers—and also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn, reduces stress. 

Even gentle exercise is great for your mood, helps the lymph system flush out toxins, and helps keep immunity strong. Moving that gorgeous body also mitigates the cortisol stress response, releases tension, blockages and negativity, and as a bonus, evokes powerful feelings of bliss and joy!

Anytime you can fit in exercise outdoors, you are getting a two-for-one health deal. Nature is so calming, that it is rated the #1 stress reducer in cultures around the world. As a bonus, 10 - 15 minutes outside boosts your vitamin D as well. Win-Win!!!

  1. Catch those Z’s

We’ve all experienced the day following a bad night’s sleep. You’re groggy, irritable, prone to headaches, find it hard to focus. You can even see it in your eyes and in your skin, too. So it’s no surprise that a lack of sleep would also make you vulnerable to viruses and bacteria, meaning you might be more prone to catch a cold or flu when you’re sleep-deprived. 

During a healthy sleep, your body repairs itself and prepares itself for the day to come, so it’s imperative that you get a good seven to eight-hour rest per night to give our immune system the best fighting chance.

  1. Have an attitude of gratitude 

Have you ever heard that what we focus on expands?  If you focus on counting blue cars, suddenly the red ones seem to be less prevalent.  This is why it is so important to be thankful for the blessings in our lives at this present we can receive more of what we appreciate in life!

In fact, motivational speaker Tony Robbins says that each morning he focuses on three moments in his life that he’s grateful for. “Gratitude is the antidote to the things that mess us up. You can’t be angry and grateful simultaneously. You can’t be fearful and grateful simultaneously. So, gratitude is the solution to both anger and fear,” he says. 

Finally, don’t forget the usual protocol of following a healthy diet, avoiding excess carbs and sugar, plus throw in some supplements for good measure! 

About the Contributor

Carollyn is a wellness enthusiast living in the Chicago burbs with her husband and two children.
She loves inspiring families to find their own healthy journey through holistic modalities.
She loves kombucha, travel, and questioning the status quo.
You can find her on IG: @carollyn.mushro