Milwaukee Metro

It is my honor and privilege to be your President of the Women’s Council of Realtors® Milwaukee Metro for 2024. I am excited to grow the Women’s Council to new heights and provide even more resources, and education opportunities to all our members.

Being part of the Women’s Council is one of the best ways to learn and grow both professionally and personally. As we enter a new year I hope to help our members develop their business savvy, leadership skills, and income level so they can be the real estate leaders of tomorrow.

We hope to make 2024 our best year yet by continuing to serve our community and build an even stronger network of business leaders. You won’t want to miss this year.

On behalf of the 2024 Leadership team, Mo, Angela, Sara, Tricia, Candace and Connie, we are looking forward to serving and growing the Women’s Council of REALTORS® Milwaukee Metro Network with you! 


Mo Simmons, 2024 President




If you or someone you know would like more information about becoming a Member, feel free to snoop around this website or join the conversations on Facebook

SAVE THE DATE: Our Board Meetings vary Month to Month, and all members are encouraged to attend. 

Tickets and event-specific details can be found on the calendar below.  Our events include an un-measurable amount of networking and relationship building!!

See below for a calendar of Milwaukee Metro events, as well as our neighboring networks - Fox Valley, Madison, and Wisconsin State.



Milwaukee Standing Rules



Here at the Women's Council, we strive to provide timely, accessible programming, great networking, and opportunities for your personal and professional growth.

Women's Council members send and receive referrals with confidence, knowing that their values are shared when it comes to providing outstanding service to their clients.

GET INVOLVED! Members- there is a place for YOU! Your participation will translate into personal growth and leadership development.  We will meet you where you are in your skill development and provide you with the tools you need and as a network, we will take you to the next level!

Meet the Leadership Team