Prescott Area

Welcome to the Women's Council of REALTORS® Prescott Area!  It is an honor and a privilege to serve as the President of this organization of amazing, independent, talented women and men.  Our Network is truly a place where ideas can be shared among real estate professionals of all types without judgment or competition. Our success depends upon your success - when one of us succeeds we all succeed.

Women's Council members have the opportunity for tremendous personal growth through serving in leadership roles, being mentored by industry leaders and attending valuable education events. This growth allows each of our members to achieve greater success in all aspects of our lives - as REALTORS®, community leaders, parents and friends.

We at the Women's Council of REALTORS® Prescott Area endeavor to bring you relevant and timely education to help ensure your success as REALTORS®, Strategic Partners and Industry Leaders. New for 2024 ... Industry Partner FREE Webinars throughout the year to bring you top of mind topics to help your busines grow and reduce risk.

Volunteers are needed to continue our path to success in 2024!  Members please take a moment or two to indicate your area of interest. Volunteer opportunities can take as little time as you can give to our organization but is appreciated so very much.  The link to the form to indicate your area(s) of interest to help the Women's Council can be found here.  We thank you in advance for your time.

I encourage you to attend meetings, share ideas, get involved and bring a colleague or friend!

Lisa Paffrath, REALTOR®
2024 President - Prescott Area




Women's Council Vision And Long Term Goals

Vision Statement: The Women's Council of REALTORS® is recognized as the voice for women in real estate, and the premier source for the development of leaders in the industry, organized real estate and beyond.

  1. Women's Council is a dynamic, accessible and diverse network, linking each member to the tools, training and support to develop their individual leadership potential and business goals.
  2. Women's Council identifies, supports and promotes the development of strong women business leaders in the industry, organized real estate and in the broader community.
  3. Women's Council provides an influential voice and perspective for women in real estate.
  4. Women's Council's local and state networks consistently deliver high membership value and a collaborative, welcoming environment in which members can achieve their business goals.
  5. Women's Council is an efficient organization with the structure and capacity to fulfill  the Council mission and vision with excellence.

Women's Council Core Values

Members of the Women's Council of REALTORS® are career professionals who operate based on a shared value system of integrity and respect, and a commitment to excellence and continuous development.

Success in business today is achieved through positive, productive collaboration. The Women's Council of REALTORS® provides an environment in which members support each other and work together to achieve personal growth and business success.

Every business, industry and community needs business who can inspire others and effect positive change. Through the Women's Council of REALTORS®, members can discover and develop their authentic leadership style, apply new found leadership skills, and pursue leadership opportunities across all areas of their personal and professional lives.

Positive change comes from greater inclusion of women's perspectives in positions of influence in the real estate industry and in the broader community.

The Council member network is enriched by embracing the full diversity of our industry, and the opportunity to contribute different experiences, ideas and perspectives.


We thank our Strategic Partners for their generosity and commitment to the Women's Council of REALTORS® Prescott Area every year. 

If you would like to become a strategic partner in 2024, please view the partnership packet available on this site under network documents. Applications are now open for submission! Feel free to download print and mail or email your completed application. Alternatively, our secure form to submit your application and payment is available by clicking Here. We hope you will consider the value of your support of this organization through the Strategic Partner Program - it's a win-win for you and your company / organization and for the network! 

Prescott Area Association of REALTORS®

To learn more about how to become a Strategic Partner for the 2024 year, please review the related documents on this website or contact a Board member for more information or send an email to 

Our Mailing Address:

Women's Council of REALTORS®, Prescott Area

care of Prescott Area Association of Realtors (PAAR)

3767 Karicio Lane

Prescott, Arizona 86303

Meet the Leadership Team

Strategic Partners