President's Message

I am excited to serve as President of the Women's Council of REALTORS Sierra Vista/Cochise Network. I joined within a few months of obtaining my license in 2021. I jumped right in to help wherever needed and was soon co-chair of membership. Then onto 1st VP, President Elect, and here am I in the present position. Women's Council was a welcoming safe place for me to learn the trades of being the best REALTOR I could be. We are a network of successful REALTORS, advancing our members as business leaders in the industry and in the communities we serve. Our organization was created over 80 years ago to support women in the real estate industry.

The Sierra Vista/Cochise Network members and partners are active volunteers with our local association WeSERV and other local organizations such as Kiwanis, Rotary, etc. to better our community.  We encourage one another to be the highest educated and most successful REALTORS in our area providing the best service possible to our clients.

Our goal is to empower all REALTORS to be the best of the best in our profession. We provide numerous benefits and resources to our members  and strategic partners:

  • Networking opportunities
  • Affiliations with related local businesses for all your real estate needs
  • Personal and professional development seminars
  • Real-world tools and training
  • Leadership skills identification, development, and training
  • Continuing Education
  • Wealth building summits
  • Referrals locally and across the country
  • Discounts on everything from Flowers to Car Rentals
  • Support and encouragement from successful professionals in our industry
  • Current information about what's happening locally

Interested in becoming a member? Please click on the link below:

Interested in becoming a strategic partner? Please contact me at 480-220-1911 or email me at

Questions or need additional information? Please contact me at 480-220-1911 or email me at

I am looking forward to an amazing 2025!

Angie Semrad





Meet the Leadership Team