North Lake

Welcome members of the 2024 Women’s Council of Realtors®.   I’d like to say the year 2023 went out with a bang and the Board wishes to come into the new year even stronger.  These past few years have been unique. I believe we may agree there is still confusion whether our economy is moving into, currently in, or moving out of a recession.   There are too many factors on this subject matter along with unanswered questions, and a difference of opinions.

The 2024 Board is focused on one facet of interest, and that is “vision.” Unless we have direction and/or goals to lead us, we will unfortunately look down at our feet five years from now and will be standing in the same place whether we are in a recession or not.  The great intellect Emerson stated, “when there is no vision, people perish” (Cook).  If we build unity among us and have the vision to do good things, we will automatically leave a legacy for others.  

This year our vision is to create change in what we offer to our members and Strategic Partners. Just a sneak peek – we will be offering a Mayor’s Panel at the beginning of the year to help Realtors® strategize and obtain a better understanding of their communities and what you can offer to your customers when buying or selling a home. There will be a merger with South Lake for a purse auction and maybe Casino Night in a mutually agreed upon location. Also, there will be educational classes that focus on the value you will bring to your customers.  How can we forget those cute pets and “Pet Day” where you can adopt/sponsor a pet and even bring along your precious one for family photos.  This is just a fantastic snapshot of what is upcoming this year.   

Members, it is our hope that you experience a feeling of unity while creating your “own” vision for yourself and your customers.  The Board is just a board without its members, and this year our “vision” is to help you shine bright.  

Best Wishes 2024 Women’s Council of Realtors® Board –

Rochelle, Robin, Abbey, Jeannette, Valerie, and Angella


Meet the Leadership Team