Midyear Meeting: At Home Edition Recap

For the first time ever our Midyear Meeting went virtual! With our largest registration numbers, recorded education sessions, governance meetings, and online networking opportunities, we are thrilled with the new opportunity this presented to reach more of our members at home. 

Congratulations to the 2021 National Leadership Team

Pamela Banks, PMN - Automatically succeeds to the office of President

Sylvia Seabolt, PMN - President-Elect

Chris Pelkola Lee, PMN - First Vice President

Kerri Hartnett, PMN - Treasurer

Congratulations to the newly elected Executive Committee members

Katie Weaver, PMN (MI) 

Fiona Theseira, PMN (CA)

Congratulations to the newly elected Nominating Committee members

Sam Powell, PMN (IL)

Lori Muller, PMN (WI)

Recorded Sessions    Meeting Archive Page  

Thank you to our Strategic Partners & Meeting Sponsors