Sent July 29, 2023, to all members

This communication is being sent to all members in order to comply with the requirement of communicating the proposed Bylaws changes 30 days prior to the meeting date (August 29).

In preparation for our Special Governing Board Meeting being held in August, please read the proposed Bylaws changes below.

Local Bylaws Redline State Bylaws Redline National Bylaws Redline

Women’s Council of REALTORS® Proposed Bylaws Change

We recommend reading the full Summary of Recommendations which touches on changes at the National, State & Local levels, however, we've bullet pointed some of the highlights below.

  • Dues & Assessments: This proposed change removes the stated National dues dollar amount from the bylaws and moves it to policy. In doing so, any proposed National dues changes would still require a vote by the Governing Board for approval. By removing the dollar amount from the Bylaws, any future proposed change would require a majority vote and would not need to be sent to NAR for the NAR Board of Directors approval as is required of any of our Bylaws changes (decoupling our finances from NAR’s approval). 
    Should the dues motion change in the National Bylaws proposed change above, this change would also take effect in the state and local bylaws
  • Elective & Ex Officio Officers: This prevents a person who has been removed from office by a vote of the membership at either the local, state or national level to be eligible from holding an elected position in the future at an alternate network.
  • Governing Board: The addition of First Vice President (FVP) recognizes that it is the job of the FVP to provide written notice to members of upcoming meetings. Additionally, should the special meeting being called be for the purpose of removing the President, this would allow the FVP to give written notice of the meeting.