This newsletter is intended for the leaders of Women's Council. This important information should be read thoroughly and shared with your local members as needed. 

Edition 14-2023 | August 30, 2023

Amendments to the Bylaws

Yesterday we held a special meeting of the National Governing Board to vote on Bylaws Amendments. All members were notified of these proposed amendments via email on July 28th (you can view an archive of the communication here).

While the Governing Board passed each proposed amendment, keep in mind these changes do not go into effect until after the close of the NAR BOD meeting with approval in November. Should networks wish to change dues until then, the current bylaws requiring 2/3rds vote still applies. 


National Conference Early Bird Pricing Ends Tomorrow 8/31

The Early Bird Price will end tomorrow for the National Conference. This is an event you won't want to miss, as it brings together our Women's Council community to network, gain valuable insights from inspiring speakers, and participate in engaging sessions and discussions. 

Affiliation Agreements

In case you missed it: We released 2024 Affiliation Agreements to our 2023 President-Elects at Network 360. This is an annual document that needs to be filled out by the 2023 President-Elect of each network by December 31, 2023. Doing this on time is also a network certification benchmark.

Local Network Affiliation Agreement   State Network Affiliation Agreement

Network Certification Process is Open

The network certification process is open! Women’s Council Network certification recognizes and rewards the most active local and state networks that achieve five key benchmarks of network excellence and exceeds basic charter requirements per their national affiliation and provides outstanding member service.

Important Instructions: The Certification Document button is a Word document, it will automatically download. Once you have filled out your Certification Document, use the Submission Page button to attach your completed document and complete the process. These instructions are also available on the Network Certification Program webpage.

Questions about the process? Contact Jackie Flores,  

Local Certification Document  Local Submission Page

State Certification Document State Submission Page

Dues Increase for 2024?

Any network considering a dues increase next year must follow National processes to ensure proper dues billing in November. National must be formally advised by September 30 for the subsequent year on new dues amounts along with supporting documentation. This form must be filled out and can also be found in the online network glossary.

Elections & Officer Reporting

Job Descriptions and Election Procedures can be found in the Network Glossary as elections take place.

Local & State Networks may begin reporting 2024 leaders on the appropriate form after elections. All reports must be submitted by September 30, 2023

Local Officer Reporting   State Officer Reporting

PMN Leadership Express Exclusive to Network 360 Attendees

If you attended Network 360, don't forget about the limited-time opportunity to earn your PMN Designation at a discounted rate! Offer ends September 11.

New PMN Courses Added

We have new PMN Courses and virtual offerings on the PMN Course Calendar. Please register and share these opportunities with your members who may also be working on their PMN Designation. 

Billhighway Training

Does your leadership team need training or a refresh on Billhighway? We now have training opportunities that are available weekly in a group setting.